Sunday, 10 June 2012

El Palm

We've had a plywood cutout of a palm tree on our porch for a few years now.  Since this is where the EL wire tiki is going to go, it time to update the palm tree.

This project varies from the past project in a couple of ways:
  1. We are putting the el wire around the periphery of the plywood rather than on the surface.
  2. We are simply stapling the wire to the plywood.

We are using 5 mm el wire for this project, so we can use standard round staples for stapling things like telephone wire.

We are using two colors of el wire for the project, yellow for trunk and green for the leaves. We hid the join between the two between the trunk and the leaves.

Contrary to what we said in our opening statement we  chose to have some of the el wire on the front.  This required some tight bending, so we had to pull out the heat gun.


I am very please about how this turned out.  The work involved was minimal.  The effect was wonderful.  The plywood blocks the light towards the center giving in a neat effect.

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