Saturday 14 January 2012

The design

OK, We decided on the design we were going to do.   We have started to go "tiki" at the cabin, so we decided to go with a big TIKI for our first project.  I couldn't draw a straight line if I had to so I use the computer for doing my drawings.  I've been using Autocad for 25 something years so that is my drawing program of choice (actually Intellicad 2000... an 12 year old clone of Autocad).  I suppose any drawing package would do. I added a 4 inch  grid to making thing easier in the next step.

We chose to make the tiki  24 inches by 48 inches.  This is much larger than we can print on a single sheet of paper, so we had to do tile printing.  Although we could do this with our printer driver, it would waste a lot of paper because it cand only do 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 sheets.  We used a program call Poster Utility @ to do the tiling.

Next m is going to print and tape together the pages.


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