Sunday 17 June 2012

Light the way

What we did different on this one is that this one was going to be out side in the light and we didn't want to use hot glue, we also did more painting on this one.
  •  First we had a piece of plywood 2 feet by 6 feet. 
  • We painted it white. 
  • We drew the curves on the piece of plywood. 
  • We painted every second curve red. 
  • We painted the outline black.

  • We put a frame around it with 1 inch by 2 inch boards to stop it from warping and make it more rigid.
  • We drilled one big hole in each of the stripes so we could weave the wire in and out of the board
  • Then we put little holes for putting tie straps through the board to hold the wire
  •  We created a print out of the top of the lighthouse and we used this design to help us figure out where the rest of the holes go for holding the EL-wire together.


  • Using the tie straps we held together the El-wire onto the board to make the out line of the light house. 
  • We had some trouble with the EL-wire in the corners of the light house.

  •  We used wire coat hangers to mount the yellow wire to the board so its not touching any of the other wire. 

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  • Next we hooked the sequencer up so that the lights would go one at a time but they ended up going to fast. M is going to order some parts that will help fix it 

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